Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Purchase event videos

Hello All

1️⃣ Some sellers seem to have received Hazmat invites, some of them from cases requesting an invite a very long time ago. Its possible some spots have opened, and they are making it more readily available.

2️⃣ One week to ASGTG event! Linkedin star Berel Soloman will be speaking. Presentations from Jeremy Biron, Kevin King (90 minutes), attorney Yael Cabilly, Jeff Cohen, Casey Gauss + 1 more major surprise :). eBay Exec Aaron Schneider will be taking 15 minutes private consultations to discuss your eBay situation. Lunch and famous ASGTG dinner included. Literally a whose who of Amazon sellers (at least 15 or more of the top 50 Amazon Sellers in attendance). Every major Amazon service provider (Viral Launch, Feedvisor, First Choice (Thanks Pearl for your help), PPC entourage, Xsellco, and more). Right here in #Brooklyn.

3️⃣ Welcome to the next generation of ASGTG. Two mind-blowing new features.

• Search all group chat history via a single email search. No longer do you need to have checklists of brands that may give you trouble. Simply send an email with the brand on the subject and if it was ever asked, you can click on that group and locate issue and person that dealt with it. Priceless!

• E-mail Summary Digest. All posts of the day from service groups ( HR, Seller Deals, Wholesale Deals, Vet Deals , Warehouse space)  will be emailed daily. For posters, make sure you include email and number as email readers will not have your PM. The reach of these posts will triple so make sure they have all info.

To register for this, you need to come to the event or buy a ticket. Here are instructions to use.

4️⃣ Many sellers received bundled PQ complaints (“used as new,” “not as advertised”) for multiple ASINs. The team seems backed up responding to those POAs and invoices. If it takes awhile or not, I would not read too much into it.

5️⃣ This is new: “Under a new Rhode Island state law, Amazon is required to disclose to the Rhode Island tax authority the following information about sellers who made sales to Rhode Island customers in 2017:…”

6️⃣ “We received your plan to address the problems we identified. Part of this plan was to delete the affected listings and source from legitimate suppliers. We are requesting you to send us invoices to verify your future inventory.” This is new, not the concept, the actual verbiage.

7️⃣ “A review of your account found that you are having trouble getting your packages. You have reported lost packages at least once on your account. When we see unusual account activity like this, we review each account on a case-by-case basis to determine if an additional action or account closure is necessary. If this problem continues, we may not allow you to buy on our site.” This happens when you’re a bad buyer. As mentioned in one of my first posts, they will suspend a huge seller because of a bad buyer. Do not let anyone use your account to buy – period (even if your sister in law asks for a favor because of prime shipping).

8️⃣ “Your account is under review” – When this happens, depending on the sequence how it got there, it normally means reinstated. If you “poke” them, include previous POA and relevant information Also, do not antagonize. Be nice and not more than once in 4 or 5 days.

9⃣ For reinstatement, the language was changed from ” Your selling privileges have been reinstated” to “Your Selling on Amazon account has been reinstated”


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