Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Purchase event videos

Hello all
1️⃣ There is a mini-wave of false+ related account suspensions of accounts that were already reinstated as false+; AH is getting frustrated when a seller calls twice in one day telling one member “Why are you calling twice!??!”. When the alien responded “Because every time I call, I get different information” the rep laughed & said “yeah….good point”; has gone “next level” as its being used by 1000s of resellers to make sound decisions of what brands to resell safely; SP was in an unusually great mood Wednesday.

2️⃣ BH sellers are filing massive amounts of false copyright complaints against brand owners copying images to Shopify & then reporting false IPs against the actual brand owner for copyright.

3️⃣ This Sunday Get your FREE TICKET TO THE ECOM EXIT SHOW. It’s a seller Market, Exit like a pro. This show is the first of its kind in the industry. A tradeshow where aggregators and M&A experts will meet with owners, CEO’s, and founders to discuss their best exit options. If you have an E-com Amazon business to sell, you can make an insanely-profitable exit. Claim your FREE ticket here (Sponsored)

4️⃣ “We expect that by your plan of action being accepted, following the 15-day suspension period, that you have adequately executed your plan to immediately begin performing to the Renewed quality performance standards outlined in the Renewed Global Quality Policy.”

5️⃣ Listing reinstated for FBA only. “We reviewed the information you provided and decided that you may continue to offer these items on Amazon: ASIN: XXXXXXX FOR FBA LISTINGS ONLY.”

6️⃣ Some sellers are saying that Amazon is making it harder to accept invoices for inauthentic complaints. I am unsure if that’s correct.

7️⃣ I have no explanation for this, but this is still showing up in SP templates. “We appreciate your support and thank you for selling on Amazon Handmade. Sincerely, Handmade Integrity Team.”

8️⃣ If your listing was suspended for review manipulation because of the rebate issue last week, it should have been reinstated. If your account was incorrectly suspended for this reason, you did not get auto reinstated like the ASINS and this is a much harder process to get reinstated.

9️⃣ Many sellers have had FBA lose their inventory upon receiving and getting reimbursements on those have become extremely difficult. There is no easy solution to this other than clear presentation of the facts and persistence. You can try arbitration on these if the amount is very significant. You can check ASGTG resource sheet under legal.

🔟 ASGTG annual Event will be right after Passover and looking forward as always to meeting everyone.

Good Shabbos — Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller


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