ASIN Title Updated Twice / Amazon Vendor Purge/ S&L Update
- June 27, 2019
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Hello All,
1) Amazon recently warned about suppressing ASINs with titles longer than 50 characters; they quietly upped that number to 200. (HT JB)
Please review these pages carefully. Account Managers are telling sellers that these guidelines will be strictly enforced in the coming weeks. Please make sure your titles DO NOT use “symbols, such as ~ ! $ ? _ ~ { } [ ] # < > | ; / ^ ¬ ¦ “. Also, make sure you have nothing like “100% money-back guarantee” on the detail page (unless the BRAND offers the money back guarantee regardless of who the seller is).
2) Amazon recently announced that Prime Day 2019 will be a two-day event. The 48-hour “parade of epic deals” will kick off at midnight on July 15th and continue through July 16th. Last year sellers reported that business was slow leading up to Prime day as buyers likely waited for Prime Day for non-essential purchases.
3) The Ultimate Guide to Seller Feedback on Amazon: This definitive resource has everything you need to know about feedback, which is critical to your success on Amazon. Learn how to get more feedback, how to remove negative feedback, and ensure you are TOS compliant. Check out the guide from eComEngine here. (sponsored)
4) The Amazon vendor purge may be coming very soon: If you get suspended for anything on VC they make it extremely hard to get back with very little communication. It may be related to the “purge”.
5) Possible update on bin checks in a SS case: “Please be guided that we are no longer accepting additional requests for bin checks. If you believe that your units do not match the detail page and are not in their original condition, we highly advised that you create a removal order, as we believe you are the expert of your products. Kindly note that we evaluate the condition of each returned item. If we determine that the item is sellable, we return it to your inventory. If we determine that it is unsellable (defective or damaged, for example), we assess who caused the damage (Amazon or the customer)….” (HT SM)
6) New! “Amazon is dedicated to customer satisfaction, and our team is working on troubleshooting this issue for you. We are reviewing the comments and verifying that your inventory meets customer expectations. During our review, you won’t be able to send additional units of this ASIN to fulfillment centers….”
7) New Language: “Proof of product authenticity (e.g., invoice, Order ID, licensing agreement, letter of authorization). It must clearly prove that your products do not infringe any intellectual property rights. Please send this information, any other documentation, and a list of impacted ASINs to”
“Thank you for the information. Upon review, we will be reinstating your ASINs. The detail page should reactivate within 4 to 48 hours. Your offers should reactivate automatically after the detail page comes back up. If for some reason this is not the case, follow these steps”
“– Greater detail on the root cause(s) of the infringement.
— Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve {POLICY/METRIC SELLER VIOLATED} issues.”
8) S&L update “We want to thank you for participating in FBA Small and Light, and are writing to tell you of two changes to the program. Beginning July 26, 2019, newly enrolled Small and Light items on will be required to:
• Weigh 10 oz or less
• Be priced at $7 or less
Any item enrolled before July 26 will remain under the Small and Light fee structure through January 26, 2020, as long as the price remains less than or equal to $15. Starting January 27, 2020, all items exceeding 10 oz or $7 will be converted to standard FBA and subject to FBA fulfillment fees”
Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the Seller