Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Purchase event videos

Hello all

1️⃣ ASGTG24 is here. Jan 10th main event. Pre-event Jan 9th. Outstanding review of the event and ASGTG ecosystem. Live Streaming is available for those who cannot attend in person.

2️⃣ There have been reports on social of severe issues with the Amazon payment system in the last two weeks; Amazon may finally be changing its unfair policy of suspending sellers for FBA return issues.

3️⃣ Boost Amazon rank with external traffic (TOS-approved!) PixelMe’s proprietary technology turns Google searches into Amazon sales using Google Ads and patent-pending conversion optimization technology. Get started with their free ASIN Opportunity Audit to see where you could be turning off-Amazon ads into Amazon profit. (sponsored)

4️⃣ “We have received your most recent email to Mr. Zapolsky regarding the Amazon Patent Evaluation Express program. As you are not doubt made aware, Amazon received a report that ASIN XXXXX allegedly infringed U.S. Patent No. XXXXX . You, and all other listing sellers, were notified of this report and provided the opportunity to participate in a neutral evaluation. The invitation email was clear that should you not participate, your listing would be removed.”

5️⃣ “If you provide a judgment that XXXX asserted patent is invalid, or that products including yours do not infringe its claims, we may reinstate your listing. Alternatively, you may wish to reach out to the rights owner to reach a resolution.”

6️⃣ “We observed the modification or fabrication of Invoice documents in your request for reimbursement for Shipment ID: XXXXX that violates our policies, so we are looking into this issue.”

7️⃣ “The Transparency program is an item-level tracing service that helps protect customers from counterfeit products. The sale of counterfeit products on Amazon is strictly prohibited. These codes can be available in 5 formats. The two most common are: — A 26 digit, alpha-numeric identifier beginning with AZ or ZA. — A Serialized Global Trade Item Number or SGTIN total length is 38 characters. These two codes will have a “T” logo. If you cannot find a code with a “T” logo, look for a serial number code that is between 7-20 characters long. The serial number can be a 1D, 2D or QR code and will likely include the pre-fix “SN.” The serial number code will be applied to the same side of the packaging as the GTIN (UPC, EAN, or ISBN) barcode.”

8️⃣ Mark Casey Free Live Stream from ASGTG Jan 10th. Follow this post.

9️⃣ Amazon decided to shut down a $7M  a year ASIN for one customer complaints.

🔟 The free Temu VS Amazon chrome extension (by ASGTG) is a hit and can save a family thousands per year if used correctly. Feel free to share. Its useful for sellers and buyers.

Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller 


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