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Hello all

1️⃣ Here is a recap with photos and a summary of asgtg24. Thank you to all who participated in person and live stream. The edited videos and ALL previous years were sent to attendees. The video quality is outstanding. You can purchase them here. I made the 2020 Q&A  with an Amazon Account Health Leader public so you can see a sample; The suits were in an OK mood this week, but sellers at ASGTG expressed frustration with seller communications and policies.

2️⃣ Amazon is belt-tightening in the following situation. You bundle a PL item with a brand name. You list it as your PL brand, but the seller mentions the brand name in the title. The suits then ask for a LOA from the brand name (not happening) even though you list it as your PL brand. Many business models are based on this.

3️⃣ AIA Assets  was proud to be a sponsor of this year’s ASGTG event. The networking opportunities were exceptional, and we thoroughly enjoyed meeting and chatting with sponsors and attendees and attending provocative lectures. AIA Assets is the trusted source for buying Amazon Seller Accounts. It was a great opportunity to convey to Amazon sellers the value of Amazon Seller Accounts. Purchasing an Amazon Seller account from AIA Assets is a seller’s strategy to supercharge their Amazon success. Thank you, Ed Rosenberg and ASGTG, for bringing together such a vibrant community of Amazon Sellers. Discover more at  or contact (sponsored)

4️⃣ A nasty Brand Owner asks for suspension of seller in RO communication “We request you remove the infringing images from the seller’s listings and investigate the seller’s activities and taking appropriate disciplinary action, including potential suspension or termination of their account.

5️⃣ Some sellers received notifications that bogus reviews have been removed – even though the item was removed years ago.

6️⃣ For patents, “– A letter of non-infringement from legal counsel.”

7️⃣ Funds will not be transferred to you at this time but will stay in your account while we work with you to address this issue in accordance with the “Funds Withholding Policy.”

8️⃣ There were some bizarre approval issues with sellers being gated out of brands after years of successful selling.

9️⃣ “This product has been identified as a portable fuel container. Federal law prohibits the sale of portable fuel containers that have not been certified by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.”

🔟 “We have reviewed all the information provided and have determined that the ASIN will not be reinstated. This is a final determination and there is no path to reinstatement for this ASIN. If you disagrees with this determination or needs additional information on this restriction, please re-read the original notification on the product’s restriction and/or seek further guidance from your own counsel. This product has been identified as a prohibited product. This determination is final.”

Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller 


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