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Hello All

1) Please remember to take all necessary and smart precautions if you’re closed on Pesach (or any time for that matter). If the Account Health team calls and gives you 72 hours for a POA, you will be suspended if you do not provide the POA (even if you say it’s a holiday). If they ask for an invoice, you generally have seven days before risking your account.
If you’re going on vacation mode the entire time, do so at least 24 hours in advance as pending orders will slip through after your on-vacation mode and must be shipped (this goes for SFP as well).
Amazon requires performance notifications to be dealt with even if you’re on vacation mode. If you change the handling time for MF to ship after you return, you need to turn off SFP and premium shipping as those need to ship right away. Unless your shipping on Chol HaMoed (this year on first days you can without missing), you must close SFP and Premium even if your handling it set to 8 days or more. Any questions on how to properly handle being out, including message management, please ask on down group  and we will be happy to help. Ignoring these basic measures can lead to drastic consequences.

2) Premium shipping no longer requires 100% valid tracking; it is now 99%. This may have been a reaction from some leading ASGTG members leading the outcry over the 100% requirement for premium shipping. (HT RM)

3) is a new platform for legitimate items that are blocked on Amazon that have no issue. Examples include items from suspended sellers, items suddenly brand or category gated, items blocked by abusive brands, items from listings that were hijacked, items incorrectly labeled as Hazmat and the many other reasons an item cannot be sold on Amazon. Items are deeply discounted and below cost. It often is easier to liquidate an item than dealing with the headache on Amazon. (Sponsored)

4) Amazon recently suspended sellers for sales rank gaming, review manipulation, and other black hat listing violation. This trend will likely increase dramatically in the near future. Please stay away from review groups and any other shortcuts to unfairly and quickly rank an item.

5) Sales Tax Update: NY state as of Sept 1, 2019, is now requiring marketplaces to collect sales tax. California is very close as well.

6) This seemed like a mistake. Many sellers with items unrelated to Pesticides received this email: “Dear Seller, as part of our ongoing efforts to protect our customers and enhance the customer experience, we are updating the requirements to offer products that qualify as pesticides or pesticide devices. Pesticides and pesticide devices include a broad set of products, and it can be hard to identify which products qualify and why. You are offering, or have previously offered, products that are affected, including for example ASIN XXXXXXXX. To continue your current offers on affected products after June 7, 2019, you will need to complete a brief online training and pass the associated test.“

7) This page highlights changes to the business agreement made in the past 30 days. (HT JB)

8) Some sellers had non-hazmat products flagged as Hazmat and blocked. These are not easily corrected.

9) This is the correct link to request to join the 5M+ a year PL group.  It’s already quite active.

10) Amazon sent out a message on changes as of June 1 as to what is considered Taxable as far as FBA and Service fees go. Some fees will vary on your business location and Fulfillment location. The email was just a notification, and I am sure it will be clarified in the coming weeks with more details.

Good Shabbos / Chag Kasher V’sameach – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the Seller


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