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Hello All

1) The revised BSA kicks on August 16th so expect some major changes in seller performance language starting this weekend. It is unclear at this point if the changes will be significant or just a nicer way of communicating (IE “Dear Selling Partner”, “Thank you so so much for selling on Amazon”, “We really do appreciate your business…”). Also, the clause that stipulates that Amazon will give 30 days before suspension is unclear how it will be implemented, as they are allowed to make exceptions as they deem fit.

2) Starting in September 2019, Amazon will automatically make eligible inventory available to selected charitable organizations when you choose to dispose of excess and unsellable items in the UK and US.

3) I spoke with Tim from AMZalert about changing the way you sell on Amazon with AMZalert. (sponsored)
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Some topics discussed in the video:
A. What scams are amazon sellers doing these days?
B. Has Amazon made any changes to better protect its sellers?
C. Is the C/D dead?
D. Is brand registry even beneficial anymore? Is it worth it?

4) Multiple sellers received emails that brands that they may have listed will be gated as of today, even though they never listed those brands and have no idea why they received those emails. It seems like these listings were hijacked and changed to a new brand and the seller may have been tagged as listing against the new hijacked brand. They were all no-name brands.

5) Rare. Amazon asking to upload a picture of the ingredient list. Important for those selling supplements. “This product has been identified as containing the prescription-only active ingredient Levodopa or Carbidopa. Amazon policy prohibits the sale or listing of products that contain prescription-only active ingredients. If you disagree with this determination, please upload a picture of the ingredient list (such as the Drug Facts table) to the product detail page.”

6) New language and new team!!! “Hi, I’m a member of the Amazon FBA Inbound team (we’re responsible for the tools you use to get inventory into Amazon). I’m trying to learn more about our Selling Partners, their current operations, and especially their pain points, as we are exploring a new pilot program to provide pre IXD/FC upstream storage. understand you’re busy (you’ve got a business to run) but would love to have 30 min of your time to chat if you’re willing. Any insight, big or small, is great for helping me learn about you, your business, and will help me to create solutions that bring more value to you.”

7) The notice retraction team has been very slow and sometimes non-responsive to RO retractions.

8) relatively rare “You may not create new ASINs for this brand. You are free to add offers to any existing ASIN for this brand” (HT AE)

9) This past Friday and week, many accounts were given 72 hours to submit a POA for RO complaints even though they may not have received one recently. If you get IP complaints or any other complaints, it is important to deal with them as you get them and not when they accrue and you’re suspended. For Restricted Product complaints, unless you can submit evidence that it’s a mistake, you cannot remove them from the dashboard nor do anything about it. Please just make sure to remove those listings and try to avoid further prohibited products.

10) Brand Vandora seems to have become gated/restricted.

Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the Seller


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