Suits Blink? / ASGTG Summer Event / Strange Brand Gating E-mails
- February 29, 2024
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Hello all
1️⃣ Suits blink? They reinstated some accounts and were generally more cordial this week. Some passed the unsuitable interview, so I hope some softening up on that issue is coming; I am planning a summer ASGTG event at the end of July. I would be most grateful if you could complete this anonymous questionnaire to help us improve ASGTG.
2️⃣ “Our investigations team determined that multiple of your removal order reimbursement requests were made using fabricated or invalid information when compared to the customer return reason and Amazon’s internal return data. This constitutes a violation Amazon’s Seller Code of Conduct.”
3️⃣ Jim spent 13 years as a sales manager for FedEx, negotiating pricing for accounts with spending between $50K to $50MM. Jim can help you reduce your FedEx, UPS, DHL, and USPS spending by 20%-30% on average. ShipPlug’s clients spend between $100K to $150MM in annual shipping. There is no risk in their free assessment of your current pricing utilizing hundreds of benchmarking points from other companies. This is a very fast process to realize major savings. With ED . Schedule Meeting . (sponsored)
4️⃣ Amazon accepted a POA but kept the account suspended.
5️⃣ “This interview will be conducted in English. If you need assistance with translation, bring an interpreter or someone who can assist you. If you join the call with an interpreter, make sure they have their ID document with them.
6️⃣ “This product has been identified as a pesticide product that is not registered in the state of Georgia. In addition to the federal Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requirements on the sale of pesticides in the United States, additional requirements apply for sales on certain pesticides products at the state level.”
7️⃣ If you received an email that your money is being held because of VAT owed on a related account, if it’s not true, tell Amazon, and they have been releasing funds based on that.
8️⃣ Some sellers received as many as 100+ warnings that brands will be gated, even though they do not sell most of those brands. This is the warning, and it seems like there is some glitch, as only some sellers receive this.
9️⃣ “We have reviewed the information you provided. We have also reviewed the provided information regarding the ownership of the inventory and determined that you have provided documents from an un-verifiable supplier and decided to reserve XXXXXXX USD….We are exercising our right of disposal under the section F-7 of the “Amazon Services Business Solutions Agreement” and the “Unsuitable inventory investigations policy”. However, this will not make any change to the status of your account, it remains activated.”
Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller