Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Graphics & Branding 50% off  

Hello All.
1. I am very aware of sellers missing very large amounts of inventory in the UK. Most of the losses were on goods sent approx. Nov 2016. Very important while your opening cases to be as professional as you can and stick to facts, despite the unimaginable frustration in dealing with this. Do not call the rep “a thief” or say anything aggressive or sarcastic. The reason is sellers have become suspended and locked out based in part because of this. They call it FBA refund abuse and this can cover a wide range of acts. This can also happen if they feel your submitting false documents, especially to recover large amounts of lost inventory. Try to stick to facts and be persistent without becoming frustrated. If you do let your emotions get to you it is counterproductive in this case (and probably in all cases ????). If they ask for customs docs, a seller informed me that they accepted with the value blocked out. In the UK, you cannot go to arbitration with Amazon.

2. When your account is locked out and you have access via a secondary account, do not appeal from the secondary account saying, “it’s me!” because this will only reinforce Amazons suspicion. Amazon looks at sellers as sellers look at products and if a seller is not working for them they will not reopen. You need to convince them they can send “you” access to the main login. (HT Ben)

3. FAQs on ASGTG event April 27th.
Q. Is it also for Women?
A. Yes of course.

Q. is the food really kosher?
A Yes

Q. I cannot come, will I be able to buy a recording?
A. Yes – updated on evite now

Q. Can my spouse come for free?

Q. I am not PL, should I come?
A. Yes

Q. I am coming just for the food, when should I be there?
A. 4:30

4. This interesting which I’m not sure I saw before- “At Amazon we take your security and privacy very seriously. As part of our routine monitoring, we discovered a list of email addresses and passwords posted online. While the list was not Amazon-related, we know that many customers reuse their passwords on multiple websites. Since we believe your email addresses and passwords were on the list, we have assigned a temporary password to your account out of an abundance of caution.” ….“Your new password will be effective immediately. We recommend that you choose a password that you have never used with any website.” HT BC
Ed Rosenberg / (spreadsheet now on site)


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