Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Purchase event videos

Hello All

1⃣ “We are contacting you because you appear to have violated the policies of “Misuse of ratings, feedback, or reviews”, “Misuse of sales rank”, “Misuse of Search and Browse” on our site. Prohibited behaviors on include, but are not limited to:

• Hiring 3rd parties to try to improve ASIN rank and/or reviews
• Sending packages to addresses where the recipient does not order or expect them
• Soliciting or accepting false or fraudulent orders
• Placing orders for your own products
• Compensating buyers for purchasing your products (including……”

Many sellers received this, even sellers doing branded items. Some SS agents said it was a technical glitch and that is what the consensus in the broader seller community seems to be.

2⃣ Thank you to the 600 sellers, speakers and companies that showed up to the 4th annual ASGTG event. The feedback from the speakers to everyone that attended has been exceptional as each event gets better and larger than the one before. Scroll down on the ASGTG Homepage for photos. The recordings will be sent to all attendees. If you want the video and all handouts mailed to you and you did not attend (boo), you can purchase them on the same link. If you were at the event, please fill out this survey so I can improve on next event. 

We want to thank Payoneer for providing the beautiful conference bags. They also sponsored five $100 Amazon gift cards. There will be FIVE lucky individual winners. Use this link to register to win.

3⃣ “You may no longer sell on because we received complaints about your items and you sent documents that appear to be forged or manipulated. Your listings have been removed from our site, and we are withholding any funds available in your account. If you have FBA inventory of the items causing “inauthentic” complaints, they are currently ineligible for removal” – language new but same old story. If you forge docs, they will catch you and you will be suspended.

4⃣ I will be on the Seller Performance panel at Prosper show. Ray Berman will also be on top seller’s panel at the show. (we need your support!). If you’re at the great show, please try to come to our sessions. Link to register for the show (discount code: rosenberg18)

5⃣ More than a few sellers received RO complaints from which Apple then says they never filed. Unsure what this is about. Apple has been pretty quiet the past few months.

6⃣ Please make sure to always have the latest version of TG. The new features being implemented always works best on the latest version.

7⃣ Last week there were multiple SFP suspensions as mentioned in the previous post. They were all reinstated on their own the following day. Unsure if it was a reaction to the post but thank you Amazon.

8⃣ The beta version of the search groups by email is now available to the whole group.

Sign up 
How to use 

Do not use the search as Google, works best when you put in one or 2 words with “ “ (i.e. – putting in an email of an RO is a perfect use for this tool. You can also get the major service groups emailed daily for easy reading. The traffic is going to greatly increase in those groups.

9⃣ At the event, Kevin King shook the entire Amazon seller’s world by showing a slide that one zip code in Brooklyn accounts for up to 7% of Amazon total 3P sales worldwide. The fact that it was not outright denied, by any ex Amazonians, speaks volumes to our combined strength.

🔟 New! Under inauthentic complaints “Here are a few things to consider as you work on resolving this:

—address other Brands not only XXXXXX”

Ed Rosenberg – Ah frelichen / Happy Purim.


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