EU trademark Limitations/ Phone Calls from SP / RO Takedowns Glitch
- July 19, 2018
Posted by: admin
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1) An EU trademark is ONLY good for the Amazon brand registry, which will allow EBC and other Amazon brand related features. This will NOT help to protect your intellectual property. IE: listing Hijackers. If you’re desperate for BR, you can start with an EU TM (much faster process), but eventually, you will need a US registered TM. (HT Yael C & Ray B)
2) “We removed some of your listings because of buyer complaints about the items they ordered from you. These items did not accurately match the condition or description of the product mentioned in your product listings on the product detail page.”
Sellers need to be careful that the items match every aspect of the listing including version and country it was intended for. Many sellers have been warned for listing items not as described such as an EU version against a US listing. Included are items that are listed as NEW, but a customer or brand owner claims it is not. If this happens, in addition to invoices, show how many you sold without any complaints that the item is “used”. Brand Owners are using this new method to remove sellers saying the items are somehow not as described because it may be used.
3)Many sellers have been inquiring about the required Safety Tests, Warning Labeling, and Compliance Certifications. Madison Safety & Inspection Services works with you to meet regulations on kids Toys, School/ Art Supplies, Textiles, Appliances, & Electronics. They are now offering 10% off to ASGTG member. Contact or 347-731-2811 (sponsored)
4) “We have reviewed the issue with our Seller Performance team, and they informed me that one of the accounts you mentioned in your email was actually reinstated when you appealed last year. It is currently eligible to sell on Amazon. Because this account is related, and you are only able to have one active selling account, this account is currently suspended.” Never saw this.
5) When using the ASGTG Telegram groups, Apple users should download Telegram X (avail in the apps store), which is compatible with the ASGTG bot. The regular iOS version is not fully compatible with the ASGTG bot which greatly enhances the user experience. We now have an Amazon MWS developer group. To join all groups, enter your email on this form.
6) “The current issue is with the Bullet Points. Retail will not make the updates as the Bullet Points go beyond the maximum limit allowed and are longer then their system can take. Officially you only have 100 characters per bullet point. While Amazon does not put a hard stop at 100 characters there is still an upper limit. As I see the current Bullet Points you are providing are fewer characters then the current Bullet Points I can send it over to Retail to make the changes. Because of the size can you please contribute the information through your account first as I would need to do multiple tickets because of the length of the bullets which will only delay the resolution.” This is from SS.
7) “Hello, we attempted to reach you by phone today to discuss complaints we’ve received about the condition or description of your products below. As a result of these complaints, your account has been suspended.”
This has been happening quite often. Try to take this call. There is more upside than downside as its harder for them to suspend you (IMO) if they speak to you and make the human connection. If they call and give you 24 hours, do not bother asking for an extension as the 24 hours is already an extension.
8) Here is an unboxing of a test order of the recent ANDON alert. Amazingly, despite the overwhelming facts showing the seller is counterfeit, he somehow is still active.
9) Many sellers are reporting that RO takedowns are not actually being taken down. It is likely a glitch and in that case may be safer to manually close until the issue is resolved with the RO or Amazon.
Good Shabbos, Ed Rosenberg