Amazon Employee Repents / Account Level Reserves / ASGTG Bribes Twitter
- June 30, 2022
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1️⃣ Amazon has been “repenting” in SeSu cases for some reason; We are hoping for a July 4th weekend miracle on these. Please RT the promoted tweet; SP was not in the best mood this week; There have been some sporadic complaints about false + review abuse on asins; There are some unexplained account level reserves on large perfect accounts that even Amazon cannot explain.
2️⃣ “The ASIN XXXXXXX is restricted due to its relation with the following ASIN: YYYYY in validator issue attribute. Remove the relation or make the ASIN: XXXXXXX complaint for possible reinstatement. “
3️⃣ Amazon has released real-time ad conversion data! This means no more guessing what day of the week or time of day your ads perform. With early access to the program, Quartile, the world’s largest eCommerce advertising platform, has perfected an hourly bid algorithm that has led to an average increase in conversion rate of 15%, and a reduction in ACOS of 10% across our 7000+ clients. Try hourly bidding by switching to Quartile and receive a special ASGTG member discount. Get an edge over your competitors who are still changing bids manually or are using out-dated rule-based software and schedule a demo today and reach out to (sponsored)
4️⃣ Many high ranking ASINS for skinceuticals became restricted as there was a wave of true counterfeit and SP took down many legitimate sellers as well.
5️⃣ This warning is being incorrectly used for some watches “This product has been identified as ammunition or a component of ammunition, including ammunition and ammunition components for rifles, assault weapons, pistols, handguns, shotguns, and muzzleloaders. Amazon policy prohibits the listing or sale on Amazon of ammunition or ammunition components. “
6️⃣ “Please note that when 80% of the budget is utilized, we take the coupon offline and we allocate the remaining 20% to cover for the redemptions of customers for 30 minutes, who have already clipped the coupon. In cases where 20% of your budget doesn’t cover for the customer redeems in this 30-minute window, you might see your spend exceeding your budget.”
7️⃣ A rep mixed up their own name with the store name “Dear Rithika, This is <Amazon Store Name> from Amazon’s Account Health Support team.”
8️⃣ ESR team is following up for his teammate “My name is XXXXX and I am a member of the Amazon Executive Selling Partner Relations Team. YYYYY is out of the office and requested that I follow up on your case.”
9️⃣ Sellers in .CA have complained about a wave of incorrect restricted product removals. This is a very tricky phishing email going around.
🔟 “We removed some of your listings because your inventory is not appropriately labeled with Transparency codes.”