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1. I’m still working on this but “product safety” and “safety incident” (I think) are totally different notices. The former means you likely need to supply proof that the product is safe. The issue is the item and you need safety docs or a source to show the ITEM is safe. The latter is a onetime incident, and Amazon wants to know what you can do to make sure the incident doesn’t happen again. So, if your shipping knives, and you get a “safety incident”, a POA on better packaging makes sense. If its Safety, they something with the product itself being safe in being questioned. Packaging this better would not help

2. If you do FBA over 75k a month, I can thoroughly & accurately reconcile your FBA inventory even after ALL available tools have been used. You will likely get a nice size reimbursement which you would not get otherwise. Email me.

3. “Once your plan has been received, it will be reviewed and Amazon will decide whether you may accept seller-fulfilled orders again.” MF suspensions only are common again.

4. World First is running a free women’s only event in brooklyn this wednesday.

5. Many sellers are asking the best way to get product reviews within TOS. As far as I can tell, there isn’t really one that’s 100% within TOS unless you use Amazon Vine or the buyer paid full price. When they pay full price, you cannot ask for a Positive review, but you can ask for a review so others can gain from their purchase. The suspensions I have seen have been egregious violations of this rule and not grey area.

6. For Rights Owner complaints, if you can get the RO to email that they filed the complaint in error, that’s advantageous to “withdrawal”. If you need help formatting the email for withdrawal, reach out to me. This part is ultra-important.

7. When dealing with RO, ½ the battle is communication. The first email should not make any demands or make you sound amateurish. You need them more then they need you, and the goal of the first email is to make any kind of communication. It’s more difficult for them to ignore you after the first communication.

8. If you received a fake RO complaint, even if you show proof to SP that the RO admits they never sent it, SP may not reinstate the listing. Escalation emails seem to help in these situations


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