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1️⃣ Please do not leave ANY reviews as a buyer connected to your seller account. If you buy and leave a bad review (even in good faith) to an item(s) somewhat related to what you sell, they can consider it as review manipulation. They are very sensitive to leaving a bad review when connected to a seller account.

2️⃣ This only in UK. “We have recently contacted you about our review of the secondary user XXXX. Because you have not provided the documents we requested, you cannot sell on Amazon. Funds will stay in your account while we carry out our review.” Perhaps use TeamViewer in the UK.

3️⃣ Smart Scout organizes everything sold on Amazon by brands. Find brands that don’t sell to Amazon Retail, find brands that have few FBA sellers, find brands and sellers that are private label to sell services to, and find stockouts across all of Amazon. Find out why our user’s are saying “Finally, something new and not another Jungle Scout”. Use coupon code ASGTG to get $25 any subscription. (Sponsored)

4️⃣ This seems to be a new program from amazon. Seller fulfilled international shipping. (HT JB)

5️⃣ “Dear seller, we are writing to inform you about new European Union requirements on product compliance that will come into effect in July 2021. Under Market Surveillance Regulation (EU) 2019/1020, in order to continue selling CE-marked products that are manufactured outside of the EU, you will be required to appoint a Responsible Person for such products within the EU. To help you understand this upcoming regulatory change, including options for preparing for it, we have published guidance in Seller Central. We recommend you read this guidance carefully so that you understand your obligations and can start taking steps to ensure your products are in compliance.”

6️⃣ SP changed the restricted product’s appeal on the dashboard to a much easier and simpler process. No POA, No Drama, everything clearly explained (HT Amazon).

7️⃣ Asin reinstatements are coming back relatively quickly and with successful results.

8️⃣ Many sellers complained this week about brand names being changed even though they have brand registry (especially in Toys). ASIN remapping is back as bad actors remap their ASIN to a old ASIN to latch onto the ranking and reviews. The reviews will be for a different product if the buyer checks.

9️⃣ On Wednesday, sponsored products, videos, etc. , users received an email that they are no longer using sponsored ads, even though nothing changed, and it was active. This was sent in error.

🔟 “Please be informed that there is a miss-match across CA marketplace and hence the restriction across US marketplace. kindly update the detail page across CA marketplace with correct product information including images.”

Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the Seller 


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