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Hello All

1) Review manipulation crackdown. The vast majority of sellers that were suspended recently were given a second chance. They made sellers sweat but eventually, they all seemed to get back. Any seller that gets suspended for this again will likely not get reinstated. Furthermore, if you were not suspended on this round, do not assume you “have one to give”. The review team is unpredictable and usually not this forgiving. Any tactic you use that gets too many reviews per views can cause suspension. It’s not worth it and you will never outsmart them.

2) Amazon in recent months has been proactively making changes to reform seller pain points and increase Sellers trust. The goal is that legitimate sellers can survive on Amazon if they play by the rules. I will publish as I see them in real time. Below is an example of common sense changes ASGTG has been pressing for a long time. They are informing sellers to give notice when changes in the listing are made on certain RO complaints. They are also being much clearer as to what is acceptable and what is not. See below email.

“Please modify your product and product detail page to ensure they do not infringe on the trademark of the rights owner listed below. Once this is done, email us at

Examples of unacceptable terms:

AmazonBasics speaker charging cable.” AmazonBasics is trademarked by Amazon.

Wireless Amazon speaker for a laptop.” Amazon is trademarked by Amazon.

 “Cable similar to Pinzon.” Pinzon is trademarked by Amazon, and we prohibit the use of “similar to.”

Examples of acceptable terms:

Cable for charging AmazonBasics speaker.” The cable is not created or sold by Amazon.

 “Wireless speaker for laptop, compatible with AmazonBasics.” The speaker is not created by Amazon.

 “Basic cable works with Pinzon.” The cable is not sold or created by Pinzon.”

I am posting breaking news daily on Amazon on the FB group  (close to 17k members, last 2 month 2800+ each month) and on my Linkedin profile.

3)  You can now add “image text” to each image as well to help your product appear better in search (HT RB).

4) Amazon loan is going slower lately. The approval process is taking longer, and they are taking longer to respond to an application. They are a being lot more protective in who they lend to. Furthermore, they have become much more aggressive in pursuing delinquent loans.

5) Please remember to reply to a text with “SPAM” to any spam message on ASGTG Telegram groups. The admins will be notified and quickly remove. It is extremely helpful and working great.

6) “Hello, Thank you for writing. We appreciate your efforts to ensure that your selling activities are in compliance with our policies. We would like to inform you that it has been noted and will be taken into consideration in the future. “ This is new.

7) “We have received your submission and are reviewing it now.”
This exact language is new. It acknowledges that the POA was received which is something sellers have been pressing for years. This is different than the “we are still reviewing your account” which is received sometimes days after the POA was sent. (HT Amazon)

8) “Your listing a generic item against a branded listing”. This has been popping up more often. This often comes from a rights owner that does a test order. If this happens, do not necessarily focus on PQ complaints/reviews.

9) From a concerned ASGTG member. “Under Advertising, when you create a coupon for customers to click and get a discount, besides giving money off, you’re also paying an Amazon fee of $0.60 for each redemption.” 

Good Shabbos, Ed Rosenberg


  • Tricia Peterson says:

    If I sell a children’s book on Amazon, do I need anything other than an ISBN number? Do I need a upc/barcode too?

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