Apply for reimbursement rightfully owed to you by reconciling your FBA inventory and refunds  | Purchase event videos

Hello all

1️⃣ Account health assurance does not seem to help if you’re related to a suspended account. They will suspend the account that has AHA right away if related to a suspended account; New “return related contact rate” metric for MF sales; Suits were nicer this week and in a decent mood; Interesting for those selling grey electronics.

2️⃣ “Your Store contains prohibited content. These may include content that depicts excessive gore, blood, or violence. Please review section 4.3.6 Violent Image Guidelines under Stores Content Guidelines and Acceptance Policies and update your Store.”

3️⃣ Learn the winning strategies of over 1,000 industry leaders on Amazon and Walmart. We’re giving away invaluable insights and actionable tips to excel in the competitive e-commerce landscape from successful sellers, private labels, and brands in our exclusive FREE report. Don’t miss out on this golden opportunity to elevate your online business. Download the digital marketplace report now and pave your way to unmatched e-commerce success: for more information please reach out to (Sponsored)

4️⃣ “If forgiveness is granted, the complaint is immediately removed from your dashboard and points are granted back to your score. If the complaint remains in your account, it means the request was rejected and you will now only be able to dispute it. If your dispute is unsuccessful, the ASIN will remain on your dashboard for 6 months.”

5️⃣ “Funds will not be transferred to you but will stay in your account and you won’t be able to create further FBA shipments, while we work with you to address this issue.

6️⃣ COACH is becoming gated; when this happens, they sometimes allow you later on to ungate.

7️⃣ ASGTG24 will be Jan with details to follow. If you would like to sponsor you can get details here.

8️⃣ “Effective September 6, 2023, in order to unify base reserve policies for all selling partners, your base reserve policy will change to “delivery date based reserve”. A base reserve policy is one of the factors that determines your reserve at the account level, which is the amount of money that Amazon sets aside to ensure that you have enough funds to process refunds, complaints or chargebacks from buyers. This date-based reserve policy has been our global standard for Selling Partner accounts since 2016 and determines when your funds are available for payout.”

9️⃣ “Why does your account share confidential information with the other account? How did that information get added to both accounts? What is the level of relationship and connectedness between XXXX and XXXXX? – Greater detail on the actions you have taken to resolve the Related Accounts policy violation. – Greater detail on the steps you have taken to prevent future Related Accounts policy violations. How will you ensure your account is not connected to another account? What evidence can you provide to show your account is no longer connected to XXXXXX?”

🔟 I did a video with ProfitCycleOps . Discount 

Good Shabbos – Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller 


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