Non-Compliant Polybag Violations / Inventory Limit Increases / Impolite messages
- February 03, 2022
Posted by: admin
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Hello all
1️⃣ FBA dramatically increased the inventory limits for all US-based sellers; SP came around & reinstated frank (Thanks!). We started a new #workWithUsAmazon to preserve 12 unfairly destroyed businesses. ; You can receive a notification for ” Non-compliant Polybag Violations.”
2️⃣ “We have observed that you have, directly or with the help of third parties acting on your behalf, attempted to access or modify account data via improper means in violation of Amazon’s Seller Code of Conduct.”
3️⃣ Know someone who’s received a compliance notice from Amazon? You’re not the only one! Unaware businesses are left stunned by regulation notices, with potentially devastating consequences. At BRANDED, we are e-commerce operational experts and we’ve compiled common compliance mistakes our experts are seeing. Discover the steps you can take today, to ensure your Amazon business continues to flourish and learn how compliance can affect your valuation. Read now at and contact (Sponsored)
4️⃣ “We took these actions because you have provided compliance documentation to Amazon that appears to be falsified. All compliance documentation provided to Amazon must be original, authentic, and accurate. “
5️⃣ “If you need more time to appeal or fix a stranded inventory issue, go to Fix stranded inventory and select Delay removal for 30 days from the drop-down menu for each listing. Note: No additional notifications will be provided during this time, and you cannot cancel the removal order created to dispose of your stranded units or extend the removal date.”
6️⃣ Yikes!!!! “Why did I receive this message? You sent impolite or unprofessional messages to members of the Amazon community. This is against our policies.”
7️⃣ “List Price” will become a required attribute for some new categories / Product types. I expect an announcement in the next week or so.
8️⃣ Amazon is canceling random & seemingly arbitrary ASINs from being listed even on aged accounts. No auto ungating or even a request for an invoice. We now think this is a catalog bug as this is happening on US accounts as well.
9️⃣ As per popular demand, I created an ASGTG acronym cheat sheet that may be useful for some.
🔟 “We have identified ASINs linked at the bottom of this email as products that emit radio frequencies. The purpose of this email is to inform you that we require you to provide Federal Communications Commission (FCC) compliance information for these products and all products that emit radio frequencies in order to list on”
Good Shabbos — Ed Rosenberg – ASGTG – The Voice of the SANE Seller